Fainting seems a wonderful thing. I remember in school in the Bahamas there was one girl who kept fainting from the heat and I thought it was so terribly feminine and lovely. I wanted someone to dab my forehead with lavender-soaked hankies and put smelling salts under my nose, so I could get out of the pop-quiz that came every dreadful Friday. We would get "strapped" (beaten with an old leather belt) by the Scottish Headmaster-psycho if we got anything wrong on the tests - questions like "What is Miss Hare's license plate?" and "Who was Queen during the Papal Bull of blah blah blah...?" Needless to say, every Friday was strap day. So to faint would have been not only welcome, but dramatic. However, if you DID find yourself flat on the ground, you had to beware of Black Window spiders and scorpions so you had better wake up fast! Still, your point was made.
First 3 images by Lewis Carroll; Next 4 images by Edward Gorey; Swan Recamier from Design Toscano; Paper couch by Gene McCall; Antique Fainting Couch from Emporium Indonesia; "Do not Faint" book by Tardia; Madame Recamier from FCL Style; Recamier from Vermont Wood Studios; Photo by Tokinowa Suremono; Next 3 fainting couches discovered by Apartment Therapy; Carbon Antoinette Fainting Couch and Antoinette Fainting Couch from Urban Outfitters; White Settee from Wisteria; Handkerchief by ArtfulBeginnings; White Garland by Poppylarity; Houndstooth Handkerchiefs by AvrilLoreti; Photograms by Bonnie Jones; Vintage Hankie Quilt by Mary McNulty Design; Woodland and Trees & Houses Hankies by HippieJo74; Vintage Hankie Garland by Poppylarity; Hankies by DownHomeAmy.
What a fun and unusual blog - I love it. I'll be visiting again soon! Thanks so much for adding my photogram blocks to the fainting collection.