
The Eyes Have It!

Maybe because I had a kind of Chien Andalou dream last night, wherein two blue eyeballs chased me around a mouse cage, or maybe because eyes are an endless source of fascination, but I am going to feature eyeballs today anyway! There are many people out there creating eyeballs in art, jewelry and photography and writing about them so I am not alone in my Saint Lucy fixation!

Books about eyes (Amazon); Viktor Kutuzov's intercom design; Lyndie Dourth's eyes; Jessica Cushman's eye cuff; John Derian's paperweights and cards; Escher's Eye; Roseanne Palumbo; Ayisha Knight; Paul Karslake's elephant eye photo; JL67's necklace; HannahPT's catnip eyeballs, Holcroft's anatomy prints; HorrorDecor's bloody eyeball candle; Chinadoodle's plate.

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